New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Any creative ideas or info on maps to play or create
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New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Post by kiLLoN »

Most everyone seems to really enjoy Bombing Beach, particularly with the addition of some flying vehicles. I'm uninformed as to the process necessary to modify a VCTF map into an ABA Ballistic Team Deathmatch map. However, I have noticed that a number of maps we already play were obviously created for CTF, if not VCTF. Grasslands is an obvious example.
1. [Admin] please post a brief description of what's involved.
2. Anyone please post the name of a (V)CTF map you would like to see brought into the ABA server with all the ABA ballistic weapons and such.

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Re: New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Post by JokersWild »

Modify a CTF / VCTF map into an ABA Ballistic Team Death match map
a brief description of what's involved:

When loading the map to be changed / modified
1-First check the level info
View | Level Properties | LevelSummary section
please observe the single line descriptions. ie; Author - Screenshot - IdelPlayerCount / Max / Min {Adjust to your needs} - Title
Title: Would be nice to leave the Authors name there!
If you like in -> ExtraInfo: you may add "Modified By" and your name.

2- LevelInfo:
DefaultGameType: this is where you put the call for deathmatch game call. Unreal needs to know what it's loading
>Enter this if not already there: -> XGame.xVehicleCTFGame
PreCacheGame: Enter the call here for deathmatch:-> xGame.xDeathMatch

*The rest of the information you may leave the same as written. Unless you choose to alter other items of your choice.

Changing the music in the map:
Under the section of level Properties choose Audio.
Where it is labeled Song: type in or copy and paste the name of the music you wan to hear. NEEDS to be .OGG
Exit out of level properties menu

Now Then we go into the map:

Since the CTF / VCTF call has certain scripts attached to them and used in the Level Properties section laid out above.
you can not just place xGame.xDeathMatch there save, build and play the map. You wont see the vehicles.

There is a call for VDMI class. A map with this Special class for the type of VCTF is called:-> Vehicle_DM_Package_CubeMap.ut2
Yes that is a map. But! the special trigger involved for the use of the class is placed in there. It looks like a Birds head. LOL

1- Load that map -Then Left click on that trigger {birdshead} make sure it is highlighted
- Right Click on it
- Left click on header called -> VDM_AI_Package_Properties
> Left click on Display option
> Set display to 8 just so it is VERY large. That will aide is seeing it in the modified map! ok close it
- Then Left click on that trigger {birdsheaqd} make sure it is highlighted
Right Click on it
>Choose Transform
>choose Transform Permanently.
2- Go to the top menu and - left click on Edit | Copy

[b]SAVE - YOUR - MODIFYING MAP!! USE A DIFFERENT NAME. do not want to overwrite Original one. Right?![/b]

3- Go back into your map you are Modifying and - Left Click a section in the map to highlight it.
4- Go to that maps Edit | Paste option - click on paste.

Here is where you NEED patience.
Just because you clicked on spot in the modifying map and pasted that trigger does not mean it will show there.
This is why you have chosen to display it 8 times larger then it was. Usually what happens, either it is displayed way up above
in the map - OR - it is placed way below map level. Unlike copying and pasting other objects from maps like say, Decorations
or Emitters which can be scattered somewhere about the map with the other objects in your modifying map! That's enough to
drive on nuts.


Almost there:
YES! Now save a copy of what you did here after the pasting of that trigger even if you have not found it.
This way you now have 2 maps. one Original, 1 with the pasted trigger in it. Just in case you need to recall your original work! NICE

If the copy way Sucessfull? then when you BUILD your newly created / Modified map and Play it. The vehicles should show.
You can test this using the main Unreal Menu when you first load to play a game.

Just click on the ut2004 game icon - when the game menu loads chose Instant Action - look for your modified map on the left
Then click on it to highlight it. Then click in the right pane click on PLAY

** If there are vehicles there VIOLA! you did it. BUT! really try to locate that trigger because it will be visible when playing the map.
Other players in your game will see it. It will be most annoying!

From there on do what you like in that map editing at will. Enjoy.
ALWAYS SAVE AT LEAST EVERY 5-10 MINUTES. Fortunately! Unreal editor is set to default save. Under auto# #=number saved.

Enjoy and hey lets Roll.

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Re: New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Post by kiLLoN »

Wow! Thanks for all the scoop on how it's done. Does anyone have a map in mind to convert?

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Re: New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Post by FooTang »

Joker, I'm thinking you might have broken him now...LOL. I'm pretty sure he was just asking how hard it would be to use some of the CTF/VCTF maps out there with the Ballisitcs Mod since the already have weapons lockers built into the map structure. I'm not sure myself but seeing some regular DM maps with weapons lockers in them, I'm thinking the mod might create them within the map once it is installed and enabled server side.

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Re: New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Post by JokersWild »

Well he did ask what it would take and a brief description. LOL :lol:

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Re: New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Post by kiLLoN »


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Re: New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Post by JokersWild »

Now that's funny! :lol: So many ideas - you are just blew your stack. :idea: :o
The Sentinels Mod has been taken down for now. as of this posting.

Return date. T.B.D. :roll:

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Re: New Maps Idea - Various Vehicle CTF Maps

Post by FooTang »

I like the sentinels...don't get me wrong. Just not for every map and big learning curve for alot of players. I had never used them before so it is always cool to try new stuff like that. Certainly not wanting to discourage experimenting with server stuff...keeps things interesting. Maybe there is a way to integrate them into weapons lockers on some of the bigger maps...or make the mod as a vote option in VoteMenu...just a thought

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