Multidodge Wall Running

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Multidodge Wall Running

Post by HackySac »

Theres a thing called dodging and if you double tap the buttons fast enough you can literally run along the walls :D

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Re: Multidodge Wall Running

Post by JokersWild »

Dodging is a good feature. Some players need to know how to do that rather than complain. I have had players in here using cheat code [aim bot]
to see where the player(s) are relative to where they are. I have whiners. but I have told them, whiners will be kicked. SO; I appreciate the email - playe on the server and fear not that you will be kicked. I AM THE ADMIN! Thank you for your concern.

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Re: Multidodge Wall Running

Post by HackySac »

Right on thank you sir.

Is it possible that the Zen Benelli shotgun could be added to more maps? BoomBoomBridge is the only map I see that weapon in and it would be awesome if it could be included in more then just that 1 map please Joker....

Also, I have been an Admin to my own UT server for over 10 years now and if there is anything that you could use some assistance with in your server I'd be more then happy to help out.....

that is my server that i administer if you'd like to see the things I've done to my own server, theres 6 game types I like to play and I have them set up at that server ip there......

Hope all is well and catch ya around eh?

oh BTW if there is any chance you could make switch to the Version 2 multidodge mutator over the one you have now, v2 lets you quad jump after every dodge the version u have at aba lets u quad jump once then if u dodge again u can only jump 1 time after each dodge after that. v2 lets u jump 3 times after every dodge and makes it a little easier to dodge around those big maps u got on there......

l8trz bro.......


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Re: Multidodge Wall Running

Post by JokersWild »

Hey there Hackey!

The Benelli ShotGun. Yeah good weapon. I will look into that and yes it would be awesome weapon. The V2 MultiDodge I could do that.
Send me a link as I do not have it. I will do my best to switch it over. Hope all is well. Be safe have a great day.


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Re: Multidodge Wall Running

Post by FooTang »

you have tiny girl hands...ROFL

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Re: Multidodge Wall Running

Post by HackySac »

I rather my hands be tiny and fast then large and slow there FooTang =P

Its all about how u use your hands not how large or small they are to tell you the truth....

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