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Do Not Cheat

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:40 pm
by JokersWild
No Cheating Here! We are all Honest Players. LOL

Re: Do Not Cheat

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:38 pm
by FooTang
anybody tell Bitch that yet? ROFL...I still like the dude...he cheats like a whore in hell though still and he knows it..but I still like the gaylord

Re: Do Not Cheat

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:30 pm
by JokersWild
Don't see how with the TCC component loaded. Along with the Bot mutator class.
He really is a good player. But all in all. Other players do kick his but. :lol:

I imagine there is probobly something out there that will get through the cheat protection
by now. Really takes the fun out of playing "I think only" for that player in reality. :o :roll:
I am putting the Sentinel mutator on hold for awhile As I have too much on my plate :ugeek:
& coding I am back logged on. :oops: Almost done with the website in general for all to just use... ;)

For now though; log in. get to using and enjoy. Tell the people - -
start posting ideas, links and information to share amoung other things. 8-)
Everyone can UPLOAD pics, links etc. right from the post.


Re: Do Not Cheat

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 3:27 pm
by FooTang
LOL...I worked with Torinor as one of the anti-cheat admins for the TWL ladders years ago. Got to know Wormbo pretty well and helped run down bugs in the last couple of ANtiTCC builds. The main reason he stopped doing it was because bot were two steps ahead and it almost became a challenge for them to try and work through new builds when he released them(that along with Epic not cooperating with the then upcoming UT4, wanting to keep anti-cheat an in-house thing). I always thought if they have to cheat, then they don't get what the game is all about anyway. It used to piss me off hugely (why I focused on anti-cheat) then I just got fed up and quit playing for four years. Came back to it with a fresh outlook and decided, if they cheat, they suck but I'll still have fun. When the game I'm in stops being fun because of one, I'll call them out but won't rage quit...but I'll not come back the next round if they are still in-game. It's nothing I haven't said to him in person either...again, SOupe pisses me off more than makes it all that much sweeter when I pop his nugget in game...LOL

Re: Do Not Cheat

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:53 pm
by JokersWild
Yeah. Felt the same way. I had not played for 5 years. But was into other projects too. I have gotten back into programming now. I am now programming or err. been with concept of a game NOT unreal type. But c## and Java.

I have been on and off with this for 1 1/2 years now. :cry: My bad. Keep adding new projects. Not really meaning to,
But things just seem to escalate into a Project! :D

Any who; This has been my pet peeve for some time. Until I at last retired. :o :LOL:
Seems was so badly trashed. Everyone involved from the get go has.. well.. got a life! LOL

Me. I have been there since 2 years after inception.

Bonjaa who lives in Canada! has a family full!! So I personally opted to re- create the whole site!
No! I offered! :idea: Than I got an Idea! I will recreate ABadAssServer into a montised site.

What does that mean? Well I am working on a store for products related to the game site itself BUT!
also other products Unrelated to ABadAssServer. This is an Idea that I ran some 20 years earlier!!
It worked rather well it managed to supply some of the server funds needed to continue running but
not all. It helped.

I will announce to everyone when I feel the time is right and the store is fully up and Running. :mrgreen:
In the meantime? Please enjoy the unreal badass game site as all others and I will be in as Offten
as time allows.

RIght now as I write this / I am just tying off the loose ends and bringing things to the year end close. :roll: 8-) :?

So thank you for all you have contributed and looking for that LINK to the maps you mentioned.
I will try to review them A.S.A.P.

Have a safe and wounderful Holiday season!!

Fondest Regards;

Re: Do Not Cheat trump

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:48 pm
totally of topice came across this pic attached...

Re: Do Not Cheat

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:09 pm
by FooTang
yeah, but now you guys can't even keep Ireland in's Hong Kong? Meghan and Mr Markel? Is Prince Andrew still diddling them kids? hehee...Love you Bean!